Run Command in Many Servers Simultaneously Print

  • 18

Server administrators usually have many servers to manage. There will be some time when we need to run the same command in every server we have. In my case, I need to update MySQL version on all 6 database servers we have to the latest version via yum. It just need to run simple command but I need to repeat the process 6 times for each server. Furthermore, we will keep doing this in the future over and over again.

To achieve this, I am going to use Webmin cluster. So all servers must have been installed with Webmin and we need to integrate all of them and joining the Webmin cluster. In this tutorial, I will only use 2 servers as example of setup.

Variables as below:

OS: CentOS 6.2 64bit
Webmin (master)/MySQL server #1:
Webmin (node1)/MySQL server #2:
Webmin username: root
Webmin password: Gn&Pe42#e

1. Download and install Webmin for all servers. You need to repeat step number 1 to 3 on all servers:

$ cd /usr/local/src
$ wget
$ rpm -Uhv  webmin-1.580-1.noarch.rpm

2. Configure firewall to open port 10000 for Webmin communication. Add following line into/etc/sysconfig/iptables before any REJECT line (-j REJECT):

-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10000 -j ACCEPT

Save the file and restart firewall:

$ service iptables restart

3. Start Webmin:

$ service webmin start

4. In master node, access the Webmin via and login as root. Go to Webmin > Webmin Server Index > and click “Register a new server“. Enter the server information as screenshot below:

And click “Save“.

5. The server should now register in the Webmin but not joining the cluster yet. Go to Webmin > Cluster > Cluster Webmin Servers > and click Add Server for “this server” and ““.

6. If the joining is completed, you should see all servers in the managed list like below:

7. Now we can start to run any command on all servers. What I need to do now is go to Webmin > Cluster > Cluster Shell Commands > and enter the command that I need to run and which server you want it to run. I will choose “<All hosts>” and click “Run Command Now”  as screenshot below:

The output will then appeared from both of the servers. In my real case, I need to repeat step 4,5,6 to add another 4 servers and finally just execute the command as step 7. This simple setup is just a great way for your server administration in the future. Cheers!

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