Virtualization Print

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If you would like to run virtual servers by using Xen you will have to install some packages and change your kernel boot options on your dedicated server.
yum -y install xen 

After installing the Xen kernel, you must remove the word 'noapic' from your GRUB boot configuration. The configuration file can be found at /boot/grub/grub.conf . When Xen boots, it does not use the standard serial console, so you will not have normal serial console access under Xen. To gain Xen console access, you must add 'com1=38400,8n1' to the kernel line in your /boot/grub/grub.conf . After saving the configuration change, you must reboot the server. Then run 


If you would like to run virtual servers by using KVM, you must install a few packages.
yum install kvm kmod-kvm qemu
modprobe -v kvm-intel

To create a simple domain with CentOS 5.8 that is 10 GB of disk and 512 MB of memory over VNC:
mkdir /vm
wget -O /tmp/boot.iso
qemu-img create -f qcow2 /vm/vdiskCentos5.8.img 10G
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda  /vm/vdiskCentos5.8.img -cdrom /tmp/boot.iso -boot d  -m 512 -vnc 0:0

To connect to your virtual server, point VNC to your server IP address. Please note that VNC is not encrypted and thus not secure.

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