Some KVM ISOs work with DHCP. If your ISO does not automatically assign your IPv4 address, configure it manually.IPv4 Network Configuration:
Netmask: IPv4 Resolvers (Google):
Gateway: xxx.xxx.xxx.1 (fill in the xxx's with the first three parts of your IP)
Network: xxx.xxx.xxx.0 (fill in the xxx's with the first three parts of your IP)
Known Issues / Additional Information
Network Cards
Please do not use the Realtek network card. It has a 100Mbps limit that cannot be removed. Please use the Intel Pro or Virtio options for 1Gbps connectivity.Intel Pro/1000
Windows requires this network card. Ubuntu seems to work better with it as well. FreeBSD may show errors without it. You can select it from the CP.Virtio
We recommend that you use the Virtio network card on any OS other than Windows, FreeBSD, and Ubuntu.